“Aliens Are Real” Former Lockheed Martin Employee Confirms Before Dying

 “Aliens Are Real” Former Lockheed Martin Employee Confirms Before Dying



I think death can make a person feel that they cannot hold on to a secret of great importance before they pass away.  You hear many a time of certain people around the world declaring important unknown ‘Truths’ before they die….Boyd Bushman did exactly this also, and what he confirmed needs to be heard by the world.

There are Aliens, some as old as 200 years, which are very real and have visited Earth, a former Lockheed Martin senior scientist has claimed. In his final moments, he provided “photo evidence” while sharing his personal experiences of UFOs and extra-terrestrials.

The controversial 33-minute video (please see below) was made shortly before Boyd Bushman died on August 7, 2014. However, the footage has only not so long ago emerged and is starting to garner widespread attention.

“I do have a top secret clearance,” he affirms at the beginning of the video. He goes on to state that incidents such as Roswell in 1947 – when a military Air Force surveillance balloon crashed – happened at the hands of aliens.

Bushman shared details about aliens, UFOs, and anti-gravity technology – which he says is being developed by US, Russian, and Chinese scientists at Area 51 (the US military facility).

In the video, Bushman is seen holding up second-hand “photo evidence” of aliens while describing them to viewers. Please see Video below:

“They were approximately four and a half to five feet tall,” the former top aerospace scientist said. “They have three back bones. They’re actually cartilage,” he added, stating that they had fewer ribs than human beings. These aliens have fingers and toes like human beings.

Boyd then went on to state that their eyes and noses are different from humans, and that they are telepathic mind readers.

“They’re able to use their own voice by telepathy to talk to you,” he said. “You walk in the room with one of them, and all of a sudden you find yourself giving the answer to your question in your own voice.”

According to what Bushman had originally stated, there are two different groups of aliens. “It’s like a cattle ranch,” he stated, adding that some can be up to 230 years old. “One group is wranglers, and the others are rustlers – the stealers of cattle.”

“Wranglers” are “much more friendly and have a better relationship with us.”

Bushman seemed to have known the details of where and how those aliens live.

Boyd claimed the creatures are inhabitants of a planet called Quintumnia. It is located 68 light-years away from Earth, yet it takes them only 45 minutes to travel to our planet. At home, they commute through telepathy, Bushman insisted.

The deceased scientist went on to say that he actually saw their homes because he gave the aliens a camera to take pictures with. It is, however, hard to say what those pictures contain because the images turned out too blurry.

In another revelation, Bushman said there is a special flight path from space to Area 51, a mysterious base in central Nevada where it is believed that aliens and their spacecraft’s were stored.

He added that there are Americans working on UFOs from outer space 24 hours a day, reported the Metro.

“With respect to the alien craft, we have American citizens who are working on UFOs 24 hours a day,” he stated.

Boyd with some of his photographs of UFO's and Aliens

Boyd with some of his photographs of UFO’s and Aliens


I guess firstly its important to acknowledge the fact that this man had NOTHING to lose from agreeing to do this video and tell the truth. Boyd appears to sound extremely sincere in his video and extremely believable!

Yes there have been some doubts about the Alien photo that he presented as evidence, as some people have mentioned that it was child’s toy, but when you actually listen carefully you suddenly gain respect for this man as you can tell from the tone of his voice that he is keen to tell the world the TRUTH!!!

So many brave men and women in the know are now beginning to let the truth come out.  No matter what Boyd has clearly had  point to make before leaving this planet!



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