Alien Megastructure Discovered Around a Far Off Star?

Alien Megastructure Discovered Around a Far Off Star?



Astronomers may have discovered a huge Alien structure around a star, possibly ‘harvesting’ energy off it.  Could this be one of the first great finds by the Kepler Space Telescope? It appears so!

A star which has been identified by the Kepler Space Telescope may harbour structures which could point to an advanced technological civilisation surrounding it.  It has been mentioned by one of the Astronomers that the large cluster of unusual objects in space appear to look like something that you would possibly “expect an alien civilization to build”

A leading Astronomer from Penn State University, Jason Wright is all set to reveal an intriguing report to the world on the “bizarre” star system – suggesting the objects could be a “swarm of megastructures”.

Jason recently told a leading UK Newspaper ‘The Independent’:

“I can’t figure this thing out and that’s why it’s so interesting, so cool – it just doesn’t seem to make sense.”

Jason then went on speaking to ‘The Atlantic’:

“Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilisation to build. I was fascinated by how crazy it looked.” He said.

It is difficult for even the most seasoned astronomer to resist taking time out of a busy observing schedule to stop and stare up at the gloriously rich southern sky. This image is a self portrait taken by astronomer Alan Fitzsimmons, who took this photo between observing sessions at ESO’s La Silla Observatory. This bold photo shows the contrast between a simple, still and dark figure on Earth and the brilliant and bright starry night sky. In this picture, the sky is dominated by the enormous splash of stars and dust which make up the centre of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. ESO’s observatories are located in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, a region with very few inhabitants, which combines very dark nights with extremely clear atmospheric conditions, both factors conducive to making high quality observations. La Silla is ESO’s first observatory. Inaugurated in 1969, it is home to a number of telescopes with mirror diameters of up to 3.6 metres. With more than 300 clear nights every year, La Silla is in an ideal position to house advanced observing instruments, but it also makes it a fabulous place to just stop and gaze up into the sky. Alan submitted this photograph to the Your ESO Pictures Flickr group. The Flickr group is regularly reviewed and the best photos are selected to be featured in our Picture of the Week series or in our picture gallery.

What lies beyond?

So exactly WHAT has been seen out there, this is the question on everybody’s lips?  Clearly something spectacular for Jason to make such an incredible claim about what he has seen out there.  One thing is for sure they will not be showing this image to the world just yet, until they can either decipher what it is – But how can you explain the impossible!?

The Star named ‘KIC 8462852’ sits just above the Milky Way, between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.  The Kepler telescope first identified this Star as a candidate for having orbiting Earth-like planets, drawing in much attention from the Astronomy world.


But what drew in the attention to this intriguing Star was the fact that it was emitting a stranger light pattern than any of the other stars in Kepler’s search for habitable planets, which led to many Astronomers scratching their heads with confusion and led to the extra research.

Kepler’s only real true purpose is to hunt for habitable planets in space and it does this by analysing light from far off parts of space – looking for any changes that take place when a potential planet moves in front of their star.  But the dip in starlight from KIC 8462852 is not a normal pattern for a planet.  In fact this is a first for this type of event to be witnessed by the Kepler Telescope.

Dyson Sphere - perhaps more fact than fiction.

Dyson Sphere – perhaps more fact than fiction.

There have been other suggestions made by leading researchers about what this oddity around this star could be, including that another star had pulled a string of comets close to KIC 8462852. But even this would involve an incredibly improbable coincidence – I am  pretty sure that NASA would like us to believe it is this!

It is now very clear that the possibility that theses objects were created by intelligent beings is being taken very seriously by the team of planet hunters, especially now that Mr Wright, the astronomer from Penn State University, and his colleague Andrew Siemion, the Director of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) have now got involved with this investigation.

The group’s advisory science team, which includes Yale postdoctoral astronomy fellow Tabetha Boyajian also recently said:

“It did definitely spark some lively discussions on the talk boards. We scrolled through the discussion boards and superusers, and they let us know that there’s something we should be watching out for,” Boyajian says.

“What was unusual about that was the depth of the light dips, up to 20% decrease in light, and the timescales (of light variation) — a week to a couple of months.”Boyajian said.

This exciting story has even hit the worlds media:


U.I.P SUMMARY – This all might appear a little too much like Science Fiction, but when you actually sit down and really think about it as civilisations become more technologically advanced, they create new and far better cleaner ways of collecting energy — which could mean the end result being the harnessing of energy DIRECTLY from their star!

So what could this supposed ‘Alien Megastructure’ be? Well, it has been suggested that it could be some kind of solar panels surrounding the star, or perhaps some kind of Alien Technology which we would struggle to understand how it was made and how it works, created to farm the energy off the star!?

It is important to think about how far we have come as a species in the last 50 years with our own technology, now just imagine a race of Beings out there with say a Billion plus years on us humans!  There will be those out there that will shrug off this idea about an Alien Megastructure being found in deep space but lets not forget that the leading experts investigating this field are the ones who thought up this idea! It makes you wonder what they have actually seen.

There could be MANY worlds out there FAR more advanced than our own.

There could be MANY worlds out there FAR more advanced than our own.

It is interesting that three of the leading Astronomers involved with this Planet Hunting project are keen to point a radio dish at the star with the unknown structure round it to look for wavelengths associated with technological civilisations.  The first observatories could be set up and ready to take place as early as January 2016 – We could be looking at one of the first discoveries of an Alien species in space! (apart from the Aliens that have already been visiting us here on Planet Earth).

Jason Wright, the astronomer from Penn State University, believes that if the first observatory picks up anything interesting “the follow-up could come a lot sooner!”

So people we have a multiple load of drip feeding of disclosure coming left right and centre these days.  First it was the news on Mars ‘having water on it’ and then ‘Pluto has an atmosphere’ and now potentially a huge discovery of a Huge Alien structure in space!  It is important that we keep digging for the truth, but one thing is for sure people ~ we live in exciting times.


Source ideas:


Even the media are raising the subject of Alien life, something that used to be mocked by the press:

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