Detailed research on the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and all other alternative subjects, broken down into quality articles, documents and resources, organized into individual topic areas. All aspects of the many different phenomenon’s are covered here, including evidence, analysis, implications, and the related inquiry into the existence and nature of life in the extraordinary universe!
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Topics Menu
- FAQ (25)
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- Latest News (620)
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- UFO Photos & Videos (173)
- UFO Topics (93)
- Abduction Phenomenon (10)
- Alien beings sightings (261)
- Alien Grey (103)
- All other (256)
- Humanoid (74)
- Reptilian (60)
- Tall Whites (31)
- Alien/UFO contact techniques (219)
- All other (209)
- Astral Projection (10)
- CE-5 (Dr Steven Greer) (12)
- DMT (12)
- Field work (72)
- Meditation (17)
- Mind Communication (28)
- Analysis & Implications (515)
- Analysis – General (507)
- Implications (188)
- Mainstream Science & UFOs (507)
- Media & UFOs (500)
- Overview / General (155)
- Philosophy of Science (132)
- Religion and UFOs (78)
- Skeptics & Their Arguments (77)
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- Ancient Aliens (79)
- Crop Circles (8)
- Evidence & Phenomenon (501)
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- General/Mass Sightings (139)
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- Roswell (10)
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- Shag Harbour (2)
- Washington DC Sighting (2)
- Yeni Kent Compound Turkey sighting (1)
- Government Cover-Up (527)
- CIA (203)
- Government Cover-Up – General (524)
- Government UFO Documents (498)
- KGB (159)
- Majestic Documents (164)
- MI5/MI6 (191)
- NASA (222)
- NSA (190)
- Govt. & Scientific Studies (197)
- COMETA Report (France) (44)
- Condon Report (38)
- GEPAN / SEPRA (France) (33)
- Government Studies (175)
- Project Blue Book (81)
- Scientific Studies (149)
- Sturrock Panel (17)
- International Sightings (144)
- UFOs in Asia (7)
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- UFOS in Russia (13)
- UFOs in South America (9)
- UFOS in the Rest Of The World (25)
- UFOs in the United Kingdom (41)
- UFOS in the United States of America (48)
- Life in the Universe (219)
- Fermi's Paradox (175)
- Interstellar Travel (197)
- Life in the Universe (202)
- SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) (111)
- Speed of Light Limit (33)
- The Drake Equation (11)
- Other Topics (122)
- All other Conspiracy Theories (98)
- Men in Black (MIB) (24)
- Missing Flights (3)
- New World Order (32)
- Nuclear Facilities and UFOs (11)
- Project Blue Beam (7)
- Public Opinion Polls on UFOs (1)
- Strange sounds in the Sky (9)
- The illuminati (26)
- U.S. Presidents & UFOs (16)
- UFO Crashes & Retrievals (18)
- UFO Disclosure (65)
- UFO Waves (20)
- United Nations & UFOs (16)
- Physical Evidence (80)
- Electro-Magnetic Effects (71)
- Physical Evidence – General (70)
- Physical Trace Cases (32)
- Physiological Effects (27)
- Radar Cases (25)
- Vehicle Interference Cases (5)
- Resources & Other (21)
- Other Documents (19)
- Recommended Reading Lists (1)
- Unsorted documents (1)
- Special Types of Sightings (91)
- All other (49)
- Astronaut Sightings (5)
- Black Triangles (9)
- CE-5 / Human-Initiated Contact (1)
- Cigar Shaped UFOs (11)
- Flying Saucers (5)
- Humanoid Sightings (5)
- Light Craft (31)
- Orbs (57)
- UFO Landings (6)
- UFOS hidden behind the clouds (9)
- Water Related Sightings (6)
- UFOs in space (62)
- UFOS near planets (41)
- UFOS seen by the sun (16)
- UFOS witnessed by the ISS (19)