Aliens Preparing To Eradicate ISIS after threats to destroy the Pyramids

Aliens Preparing To Eradicate ISIS after threats to destroy the Pyramids

Will the ET's refuse to accept the destruction of mankind's past?

Will the ET’s refuse to accept the destruction of mankind’s past?

This might seem like the most unlikely News Headline ever, but after doing much research on Aliens/UFO’s over the last so many years and the History behind them on Planet earth… and at the same time researching heavily on the torrid situation which is going on in the world at the moment, this may very well not be as over the top as you think!

It is pretty clear to the majority of us nowadays that we are not alone in the Universe, in fact even scientists have confirmed that there is millions/billions of other Habitable Planets just in our very own homely Milky Way Galaxy! Look at the sightings in the Sky.  It is now a daily occurrence that there is an impressive UFO sighting out there somewhere in the world.

UFO sightings are DRAMATICALLY on the up, and that cannot be denied by anybody. Yes some videos/photos are clearly fake, however it does not take an Einstein to see that there are sightings out there which are a 100% NOT true UFO’s which have been produced by Mankind.    Even NASA have stated that they “do not know what the large Orbs are in the sky”.

They are here in their masses

They are here in their masses

So we can all pretty much agree that we are very much not alone in the Universe and that we have ET beings that are here on earth, or above earth should I say! Well some will disagree and shun this Post, but please keep an Open Mind and read exactly what I, and a few others are saying.

The Aliens are here, and we do not officially know who they are and we do not know what they want.  One thing is for sure, the Aliens are watching our every move and reviewing us.

So imagine what they think when they see the Likes of ISIS turn up on the scene and take over fairly significant patches of the Middle East, murdering raping and destroying anything that gets in their way or goes against their idiotic ‘insane’ Beliefs!

The ET’s may not necessarily want to save every single man woman or child on this planet, but one thing is for sure they will not like what they see, and the recent threats towards the Pyramids and Sphinx statue in Egypt (please click HERE for info) could quite possibly be a ‘game changer’ for the Aliens!

The Importance of the Pyramids and Mankind’s past

We have all seen (or most of us have) Episodes of Ancient Aliens, and yes we have all probably ‘sniggered’ in places by how over the top the programme can be. But I am pretty sure that it is clear that some potential higher intelligence helped create the vast network of Pyramids around the world!

The Pyramids, a reminder of our past?

The Pyramids, a reminder of our past?

These great structures have been on this planet for thousands of years, at a time which we do not really know a lot about, and can only merely guess about what events took place at that time. Many believe that the Pyramids and other structures built at a similar time, were created by the influence of Alien Beings, to remind the Human race of their time and influence here on planet earth.

If anybody was to destroy these ‘important’ structures on the planet it is in effect trying to eradicate and remove our History behind us.

ISIS are trying to Destroy our Magnificent Past!

ISIS are trying to Destroy our Magnificent yet ‘Unknown’ Past!

The Islamic State’

The Islamic state have NO appreciation of anything other than themselves and their insane idealistic cause. ISIS hide behind the name of Islam and are blinded from reality by their brainwashed brains and ideas, hence they want to destroy important parts of our past, primarily because they are intimidated by it.

The Islamic State were accidentally (or some might say intentionally) helped created by the West! When the Syrian civil War first kicked off in 2011/2012.  The West (Obama and Co) funded the militia that was trying to topple the leader of the country Assad.  Behind a certain element of the Militia was a new well-funded type of Terrorist, that was being brought together by those who want to send this Planet back to the dark Ages.

The Enemy of us all!

The Islamic State – The Enemy of us all!

ISIS believe that they will one day take over the middle east and then parts of Europe, spreading their disgusting beliefs to anybody they so happen to come across, and at the same time REMOVING any historic artefacts which go against their sick and Twisted beliefs! Mass murders and removing history is the Islamic states area of expertise and nobody appears willing to put a permanent end to this…..and this ladies in Gentlemen is where the Extra-terrestrial Beings may potentially intervene!

Aliens and the Importance of Mankind’s of Past

The brutal mass killings by ISIS around the Middle East have been witnessed by the Alien Beings, but even if they wish to step in to help remove this cancer from Planet Earth, any actions could be deemed as a threat to the entire Human Race, something which they cannot and will not Risk, no matter what their reasons are for being here are! If and yes it’s a Big IF, the Pyramids and other ancient artefacts are a reminder to the Human Race of their influence on us from the past (still an area none of us are any truly wiser about) then this could VERY possibly be the time that the Aliens wish to act upon the Terrorist Organisation, the Islamic State!

If the Pyramids etc are important influences off the Aliens,  the ET’s will NOT tolerate them being destroyed and Forgotten about!

Obamas recent 'surprise' visit to Stonehenge.

Obamas recent ‘surprise’ visit to Stonehenge.

And it is not only in the Middle East where ‘potential’ Alien Influences can be seen.  South American countries are now stepping forward and presenting the world with ancient artefacts showing what appears to be indications of ET interactions, some Figurines and pictures appear to even show images of the Alien Beings (please see below).

Another key area which baffles the Human race by its original origin is Stonehenge in the UK, a place which  even President Obama felt the need and urge to make a surprise visit to on his recent trip to the UK back in 2013.  Could it be that Obama has knowledge about the Extra-terrestrial Beings existence, and felt the urge/need to visit the Stones, perhaps in a moment of ‘acceptance’? Probably not, but who knows as planet is earth is going through a new awakening phase and all things happened for a reason!

The Coming Conflict from The Skies?

To many it is clear that some kind of significant changes have happened through Mankind’s past, whether that be how Man evolved and the Missing Link, to the significance of our past which we have very little knowledge of! One incredible thing that ISIS refuse to accept is that there can be ‘Anything’ different to their Beliefs.  ET Beings in the eyes of ISIS would probably be deemed as ‘Demons’ from Hell, and something their unintelligent brains can comprehend.  In the Alien Beings eyes ISIS will be deemed as a risk to their significant influence on us all, and will see them as a threat to Planet Earths ‘Connection’ of The Universe.

There is a reason why the UFO’s are being seen in their masses around the world and why they are no longer hiding! They WANT and NEED to be seen in order to create a world-wide ‘awakening’ of the Human Race.  They are showing that they are very much here and have been for a long time, but potentially going to put us into a situation which could very easily transpire into the destruction of the Human Race…Be Freed Or Be Destroyed! (please check out our previous article on this)

If the Human Race accept their existence and unite together in order to make a Global Acceptance Communication to the ET’s and ask them for their help and knowledge, this will be seen by the Aliens as their time of calling, but with this will be the removal of those that oppose them!

Whether it be the world’s Elite or the Brainwashed Terrorists like the Islamic State, the ET Beings will have weaponry beyond belief to remove the threat to their ‘Worldwide’ connection with the Human Race!  There has been MANY reported sightings of UFO’s around war zone areas in the world and perhaps this is the Extra-terrestrial beings waiting, co-ordinating their moment to strike those that are a threat to the next phase of The Human Race’s existence in the Universe! These Strikes could come from weapons which will immediately effect those that oppose them, or it could possibly involve their weapons of war being Grounded from the skies above us, hence so many HUGE sightings of UFO’s in space, not too far from Planet Earth…perhaps waiting, waiting to see which direction they need to take….sadly it will not only be the Terrorists that choose to oppose them, our so-called Governments will deem them as a threat to their control!

Morons Declaring War on Humanity?

ISIS Destroying Biblical Artefacts in Iraq – Morons Declaring War on Humanity?

Personally I know whose side I would choose to be on……and it would not be the side of those that are trying to control us or Brainwash us into their fanatical beliefs!

‘Hopefully’ the Human Race will make the right decision if this time ever comes, as it could come down to the Destruction of us all in order to maintain Planet Earths existence between the Stars in the Greater Universe!

To be Freed or to be Removed?

To be Freed or to be Removed?

U.I.P Summary

This post has been created as a very real case scenario. This planet Cannot carry on the way it is! It is time to make a stand against those that try to divide us, in order to show the ET’s that us Humans still have some Humanity left in us!

We are not even a speck of dust in the greater scheme of things, so it is critically important for us to hang on to our place in the Universe and the History that goes with it.  We have to defend our existence and appreciate that our Unknown history is still very important to us, and helped make us what we are today….with ET involvement or not!

We can no longer fear those that try to divide us…we need to unite, in order to Unite with the Beings who watch us from the Skies!

Lets respect and protect our past.


Time to Defend our Important Past

Time to Defend our Important Past?



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